Thursday, August 30, 2007


I changed the settings so anybody can post comments (I believe...). Just select "other" and cough up the info they're after.


Rae and Ben said...

Allison; cute blog, you do make us look hip. I have a fun activity idea to throw out husband and I like to rockclimb and have enough stuff to take a group. If that sounds interesting, let me know. We will probably have to do this one soon, as winter will be upon us before we know it. Thanks for starting this up...such a great idea.

Raeshell Sorensen

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Raeshell - that sounds like a blast! I have never been, and I bet I would look like an absolute fool - I'm totally game. If we worked something out for maybe the latter part of September, would that work out? Let us know!

Rae and Ben said...

Later part of September on a Monday night? so probabaly the 17th or 24th? I'm up for that. Probably the 24th would be best eh? Let me know what you think. We would have to meet earlier then 7, more like 5:30...its getting dark around 8:30. :(

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Yeah, the 24th is a possibility. Or we could always arrange a Saturday afternoon if daylight is an issue. What do you think? Maybe Saturday the 29th around 12:00-ish?