Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hey all - sorry for the SERIOUS lack in posts. You would think we'd had a holiday, or been sick or something :). Hopefully you caught the announcement in church on Sunday, but for temple night this month, please support the stake temple night TOMORROW, Wednesday the 28th. There is a meeting in the chapel (upstairs) at 7:00 p.m. at the session is at 8:00 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Progressive Dinner

November is here. And if you're like me, you equate November with family and food. (And if your family was like mine, usually you'd be seated across one of those horribly balanced little kid picnic tables from a cousin of comparable weight, and that all worked out fine until someone actually STOOD UP. Dinner usually ended with tears, a few bumps and scrapes from having a table land on some kid, and the inevitable gravy soiled shirt.)

This month's activity will be a fun way to get to know more of our ward family, share a tasty meal and spend some time in each other's homes... hopefully without any table incidents :).

Our evening begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Anderson's home for salad, then to the Nuttall's place for soup and bread bowls, and finally to the Wasson's digs for dessert. Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered their home and their cooking talents to make the evening possible, we're really looking forward to it!

The Details -

DATE/TIME: Monday, November 12th @ 6:00
PLACE: Anderson's, Nuttall's and Wasson's
(I'll send an email with addresses so this infor isn't just available for all the weirdos out there...)

Also, just so we can have a rough estimate of how many to plan for, will you please reply to this post or to the email to RSVP? Thanks!